--- title: "Non-dendritic networks" author: "dblodgett@usgs.gov" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Non-dendritic networks} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} library(hydroloom) library(dplyr) local <- (Sys.getenv("BUILD_VIGNETTES") == "TRUE") knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, warning = FALSE, comment = "#>", fig.width=6, fig.height=6, fig.align = "center", eval=local ) oldoption <- options(scipen = 9999) ``` # Introduction `vignette("hydroloom")` and `vignette("advanced_network")` talks about the basics of network topology representation and attributes that build on a strictly dendritic network. This vignette expands those topics by describing `hydroloom` functionality that supports non-dendritic networks. # Non-dendritic topology attributes. Non-dendritic networks represent downstream diverted flow where one path is primary and all others are thought to be secondary. The following attributes are supported by `hydroloom` to help track and work with this primary and secondary downstream categorization. ## fromnode and tonode The attributes `fromnode` and `tonode` are used to store a flow network as a edge node topology where every network feature has one and only one node upstream and one and only one node downstream. Nodes are useful if converting a flow network to a graph and are useful in many analysis contexts as there is a single identifier for a confluence or divergence. ## divergence The `divergence` attribute indicates if a downstream connection is primary (1) or secondary (2). If 0, a connection is not downstream of a divergence. This attribute is useful as it facilitates following a flow network in the "downstream mainstem" direction at every divergence. ## return divergence The `return divergence` attribute indicates that one or more of the features upstream of a given feature originates from a divergence. If 0, the upstream features are not part of a diversion. If 1, one or more of the upstream features is part of a diversion. ## stream calculator The `stream calculator` attribute is part of the modified Strahler stream order as implemented in the NHDPlus data model. It indicates if a given feature is part of the downstream mainstem dendritic network or is part of a diverted path. If 0, the path is part of a diversion. Otherwise `stream calculator` will be equal to stream order. When generating Strahler stream order, if stream calculator is 0 for a given feature, that feature is not considered for incrementing downstream stream order. ## summary As a system, `stream calculator`, `divergence` and `return divergence` support network navigation and processing in the context of diverted paths. 1. A feature at the top of a diversion will have `divergence` set to 1. 1. All features that are part of a diversion that has not yet recombined with a main path, will have `stream calculator` set to 0. 1. A feature that is just downstream of where a diversion path recombines with a main path will have `return diversion` set to 1. ## Bringing it all together The example below shows how we can recreate the non-dendritic attributes and use them in practice. We'll start with the small sample watershed that's included in `hydroloom` and select only the attributes required to recreate the non-dendritic network. ```{r} x <- sf::read_sf(system.file("extdata/new_hope.gpkg", package = "hydroloom")) # First we select only an id, a name, and a feature type. flow_net <- x |> select(COMID, GNIS_ID, FTYPE) |> sf::st_transform(5070) # Now we convert the geometric network to an attribute topology # and convert that to a node topology and join our attributes back flow_net <- flow_net |> make_attribute_topology(min_distance = 5) |> hydroloom::make_node_topology(add_div = TRUE) |> left_join(sf::st_drop_geometry(flow_net), by = "COMID") # We only have one outlet so it doesn't matter if it is coastal # or inland but we have to provide it. outlets <- filter(flow_net, !tonode %in% fromnode) # We have these feature types. A larger dataset might include # things like canals which would not be considered "major" unique(flow_net$FTYPE) # now we run the add_divergence, add_toids, and add_streamorder flow_net <- add_divergence(flow_net, coastal_outlet_ids = c(), inland_outlet_ids = outlets$COMID, name_attr = "GNIS_ID", type_attr = "FTYPE", major_types = unique(flow_net$FTYPE)) |> add_toids() |> add_streamorder() |> add_return_divergence() # Make sure we reproduce what came from our source NHDPlus data. sum(flow_net$divergence == 2) sum(x$Divergence == 2) all(flow_net$divergence == x$Divergence) sum(flow_net$return_divergence == x$RtnDiv) names(flow_net) ``` With the above code, we removed all attributes other than an ID, a name and a feature type and recreated both a dendritic (toid) and non-dendritic (fromnode tonode) topology. We added `divergence` attribute, `stream_order`, `stream_calculator`, and `return_divergence` attributes.