--- title: "sbtools -- getting started" author: "dblodgett@usgs.gov" date: "2023-11-17" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{sbtools -- getting started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} local <- (Sys.getenv("BUILD_VIGNETTES") == "TRUE") knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.width=6, fig.height=4, eval=local ) oldoption <- options(scipen = 9999) ``` `sbtools` provides access and upload utilities for [ScienceBase](https://www.sciencebase.gov) Much of sbtools does not require authentication. ```{r} ## Examples library(sbtools) # Query ScienceBase for data about Antarctica query_sb_text('Antarctica', limit=1) # Query for a specific DOI query_sb_doi('10.5066/P92U7ZUT') # Inspect the contents of the above item children <- item_list_children('5669a79ee4b08895842a1d47') sapply(children, function(child) child$title) item_get(children[[1]]) ``` `sbtools` uses an `sbitem` S3 object that is a list containing the `sbjson` associated with the item in question. ```{r} item <- item_get(children[[1]]) class(item) class(unclass(item)) ``` Much of `sbtools` is intended to be used after authentication. This part of `sbtools` is changing in Winter, 2023-2024 as ScienceBase transitions for password-based authentication to two factor and token based authentication. This next section was rendered with the author's (dblodgett@usgs.gov) private credentials. The old way used `authenticate_sb()` with a username and password. The password could be cached using the `keyring` package. NOTE: This method no longer works and is shown here for reference with regard to old code and workflows. ```{r, eval=FALSE} authenticate_sb(Sys.getenv("sb_user")) my_home_item <- user_id() new_item <- item_create(title = 'new test item', parent_id = my_home_item) test.txt <- file.path(tempdir(), 'test.txt') writeLines(c('this is','my data file'), test.txt) item_append_files(new_item, test.txt) item_list_files(new_item)$fname item_rm(new_item) unlink(test.txt) # restart or clean session to reauthenticate differently sbtools:::clean_session() ``` The new way uses `initialize_sciencebase_session()` to open a browser window. Once logged in, you can get a token from the user drop down in the upper right. For this example, that token has been saved as an environment variable. If the token has been entered previously and is still valid, it will not be requested again. ```{r} user <- Sys.getenv("sb_user") # this should be your science base user id initialize_sciencebase_session(user) my_home_item <- user_id() new_item <- item_create(title = 'new test item', parent_id = my_home_item) test.txt <- file.path(tempdir(), 'test.txt') writeLines(c('this is','my data file'), test.txt) item_append_files(new_item, test.txt) item_list_files(new_item)$fname item_rm(new_item) unlink(test.txt) ``` ```{r teardown, include=FALSE} options(oldoption) sbtools:::clean_session() ```